You should have planted a tree once in your life: Detlev Göke recently planted at least his third tree. It needs shadow for the campers.
Trees help to protect the climate, which is why Detlev Göke has now planted two more trees on the edge of the mobile home site in the Marina Rünthe. However, Göke was not only motivated by the idea of climate protection: the hot summer had also shown that the campers would like a little more shade on the site.
The tree must not grow too tall
But the crown of a tree must not grow too tall. Because: "Then they all have no reception on their TV sets," Göke knows. That may be important for the motorhome owners, but for Göke a completely different aspect played a much more important role in the tree crown: "The wind is getting more and more extreme - and I didn't want a tree species that is known for breaking branches.
Because if they hit a mobile home and caused damage, Göke would have a liability problem. So he asked experts to advise him on which native tree species that could tolerate the climate would also meet the requirements of the mobile home port location.
The result was two field maples, which Göke has now planted and which will take over the winter. After a cherry tree that he planted last year, Göke has finished planting trees at the mobile home port for the time being.